Seeking Guardians of Diversity - Volunteer Board Member Role Available
Job Location
Remote work from: Canada
Beginning of employment
Position title
Date posted
28 June 2024
Employment Type

Title: Board Member - Guardian of Equity and Progress

Role within the Tapestry of Change: As a member of the Board of Justice Journeymakers at Journey to Diversity Workplaces, you will be the beacon that guides us through the seas of change, ensuring that every wave we ride is one that brings us closer to a world where diversity is not just accepted, but celebrated.

Mission Statement: Embark on an odyssey with Journey to Diversity Workplaces, where we sail against the prevailing winds of uniformity since December 2013. Our compass is set to chart courses that navigate through the uncharted waters of workplace diversity, steering towards horizons of progressive policies and inclusive cultures.

Time Commitment:

  • Board Meetings: Convene with the board of justice journeymakers every other moon, save for the twelfth, to chart our progress and plan our future endeavors.
  • Committee Gatherings: Join forces with your committee comrades approximately four times per annum, crafting strategies and forging ahead with our agenda.

Treasures of Service:

  • Impactful Influence: Your counsel will shape the destiny of our organization, leaving an indelible mark on the shores of diversity.
  • Professional Pilgrimage: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, honing skills that will serve you well beyond our realm.
  • Network of Navigators: Join a crew of passionate souls, each bringing their unique perspective to our shared quest.
  • Recognition and Reverence: Your name will be etched in the annals of our history, a testament to your dedication to our cause.
  • Personal Gratification: Find joy in the knowledge that your efforts are a beacon of hope in the quest for a more inclusive world.

Board Member Vows:

  • Engagement and Attendance: Pledge to be present, in spirit and in truth, at our gatherings and special events.
  • Committee Contribution: Offer your talents to at least one of our standing committees, and be open to the call of ad-hoc quests.
  • Community Connection: Keep your ear to the ground and your heart open to the needs of the community we serve.
  • Promotional Proclamation: Be a herald of our mission, spreading the word of our deeds and aspirations.
  • Financial Fidelity: Aid in the gathering of resources, be they gold or goodwill, to fuel our journey.
  • Social Media and Web Wielding: Share the tales of our adventures and the lore of our land across the digital expanse.
  • Fiscal Fluency: Immerse yourself in the language of our ledger, ensuring that every decision is made with wisdom and insight.
  • Policy Proficiency: Master the scrolls of our governance, upholding the laws and traditions that guide us.

Our 5 Key Values:

  • Respect: Respecting differences ethically, morally, and legally.
  • Inclusion: Creating a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered.
  • Diversity: Celebrating and leveraging the diversity of people, perspectives, and experiences.
  • Equity: Ensuring fair and equal opportunities and outcomes for all.
  • Safety: Promoting a culture of safety, well-being, and accountability.
  • Leadership and Advisement: Steer the ship with a steady hand, charting the course alongside fellow justice journeymakers, ensuring that our voyage is true to our mission.
  • Policy Navigation: Plot the map of our governance, ensuring that every policy we set is a star that aligns with our constellation of objectives.
  • Treasury Oversight: Keep a watchful eye on our coffers, ensuring that the gold we gather is spent wisely on ventures that further our quest for diversity.
  • Program Stewardship: Captain our initiatives with a visionary’s gaze, ensuring that each endeavor we undertake enriches the tapestry of our mission.
  • Crew Development: Foster the growth of our crew, ensuring that every member is equipped to sail alongside us on this journey.
  • Promotional Endeavors: Be the voice that sings the siren song of our mission, drawing in allies and companions from distant shores.
  • Fundraising Ventures: Embark on quests to fill our treasure chest, seeking out new alliances and resources to bolster our cause.
  • Collaborative Compass: Navigate alongside your fellow board members, sharing your wisdom and insights to keep our journey true.

See above.

To Apply: Send forth your chronicle (information), your ode to diversity (our application form), and the names of three noble champions (professional references) to the keepers of our quest.

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