
Generational Entitlement In the Workplace (And Why You Should Pay Attention!)

Generational diversity is a term that refers to a broad range of different perspectives/ideas accustomed to previous experiences and behaviors in a business setting. There has not been a distinct time in recent history in which all five generations (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and even Traditionalists) have shared the same work environment together, as generally speaking, the average Traditionalist will be retired by the time the average Gen Z will be looking for work. Nowadays, however, this method has changed. The average Canadian citizen is retiring later, as employees become more interested in staying socially engaged and mentally sharp as they grow older. This is also due to the fact that housing prices, groceries, and frankly everything else has grown a large price tag, and many cannot afford to retire when it is ideal.  As multiple generations seek fusion and collaboration, ageism, otherwise known as Age Discrimination is a hurdle many workplaces are trying to overcome. Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Traditionalists have each been brought up with different generational morals and societal rules, and individuals from those generations are not always so willing to let go of their beliefs to align themselves with their coworkers. 

Ultimately, the world spins at a different pace for each generation. As an example, David and Miranda come from different generations. David believes that the workplace should be more inclined toward social justice, primarily with the use of technology and using hashtags to show support of social justice movements. Meanwhile, Miranda did not grow up with a heavy technological influence, and thus feels more inclined to organize an in-person community walkout to show their support of a given cause. Both ideas can be viewed as effective, but the two employees may bicker  over which idea is more effective, seeking to dismiss the other’s opinions based on generational entitlement. 

Traditionalists, otherwise known as the oldest members of the current workplace, were brought up during various historical tragedies such as the Great Depression and WWII where the main priority was an economic rebound. The average member of this age group is thought of as  disciplined/hard working, and tend to present themselves in a conservative manner. Baby Boomers followed the Traditionalists. They were raised as more optimistic and hopeful for a future of expansion post WWII. While there is not a huge age gap in terms of years between these two generations, we can already see that a new light is shone on how these individuals may approach a situation intuitively. Gen X (1965-1980) were the generation of new hope. This generation was known as the working class, as they often grew up with working parents that pushed their children to find professional fields they were interested in, with technology on the rise.  Once the “tech driven world” became established post Gen X times, Millennials were encouraged to become entrepreneurs and collaborate in work environments. Finally, Gen Z are the newest members of the workforce, known as the “digital natives” for their strong proficiency and attachment to social media platforms. Gen Z is also a generation that strives for inclusivity and diversity, and has made the most global impact thus far. 

All this goes to show that each generation is extremely different, and has become more progressive over the decades. The most efficient workplaces will have a mix of people from every generation because each individual will approach a business decision in a manner that is unique to both the company and employees. A company that is strictly composed of Baby Boomers or strictly composed of Gen Z members has failed to introduce its clients and representatives to the idea of overcoming stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Generational Entitlement is not going away unless we tackle these challenges. 

Avoiding stereotypes and biases goes a long way when working towards overcoming generational entitlement. In order to work successfully in a multigenerational workplace communicating with each of your employees and learning about their working styles is important. Whether it be financial accounting or an elementary school board, David should not assume that just because Miranda is nearing her seventies that she is technologically illiterate. What David may not know is that Miranda went back to community college to pursue computational studies through the pandemic. Because everything was shut down, Miranda was forced to do her studies virtually, where she learned to communicate efficiently through digital media. Miranda may also have grandchildren that taught her some tips and tricks when it comes to technology. Similarly, Miranda should not assume that David has no interpersonal skills because his generation is so fixated on communicating through social media. For these reasons, it is important for managers to speak one-on-one with their employees to get to know their strengths and weaknesses, because while employees over the age of 55 tend to find technology more difficult to navigate (Rayome 2016), not all of these individuals are completely helpless, and in some areas may even perform better than their younger associates. 

Adapting to multiple communication styles in the workplace is also a beneficial strategy. A team member needs to get in touch with a client, but depending on the generation that employee comes from, different approaches may be valued more. A Baby Boomer did not grow up with a cell phone or in a social media environment where they could just shoot their clients a text, and therefore may prefer making a phone call or physically delivering the message (if the workplace permits this) because that is their natural reaction to communication. A newer Gen Z employee may choose to contact a client through social platforms or texting because they were raised in a time period where landlines were not as popular, and everyone seemed to carry a wireless device. Because each generation learned a different communication style, managers should adopt various new styles of communicating. As a plus, a workplace that uses different communication styles can also create an environment where different generations can learn something from their counterparts. 

A culture like this can only be created through the educating of employees and taking the initiative to understand the differences in history and communication styles for each generation. It is important to help our coworkers reject stereotypes and misinformation about generations as portrayed by the media, and to understand that the world is looked upon from different angles based on how an employee was brought up. Workplace leaders should begin by reaching out to their teams and discussing generational differences and similarities. An emphasis should be placed on combating generational shaming, and not assuming that some employees are illiterate to another’s strengths. This could look like an employee resource group being formed in an attempt to address generational issues, and to ensure that respect between different generations is part of a company’s long-term initiatives.


Mary Cooney, P. D. (2021, May 25). Understanding generational diversity: Why it’s important to the future workplace. LinkedIn. Retrieved August 7, 2022, from 

Heather. (2022, March 15). How to manage generational diversity in the Workplace. Harver.      Retrieved August 7, 2022, from 

This article was written by summer student Bayden Summers and edited by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Sensory Overload of Neurodivergent Individuals at Work

The crinkling of papers. A soft humming of the heater. The clicks of a printer. Marissa’s side conversations near the window. Jason’s Dr. Martens thumping against the floor. Persistent whistling so faint that it goes unnoticed by most. Arrhythmic flashing of the broken overhead light. Fingers clattering against keys on an old keyboard. Laughter. Someone sneezed. Bless you. They’re clearing their throats. 4:45 pm. It’s hard to breathe. You wait. Eyes on the screen. Few more minutes. 4:55 pm. Breathe in. Breathe out. 4:59 pm. Blink. Breathe. 5:00pm. A blank document stares back at you. Last edit was 7 hours ago. You turn off the computer, grab your bag and phone, put on your headphones, and speed out the door. 

To most of us, the background noises and unintelligible chatter that come with being in public or at work are just that: background noise. For others, however, it can be a trigger, causing frustration, irritation, anxiety, restlessness, and fear, to name a few. When the five vital senses— sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound—receive more sensory input than the brain is able to process, an individual experiences sensory overload (Brennan, 2021). Little things that usually linger in the background suddenly become extremely noticeable, like the texture of a sweater, the flickering of lights, or the sound of heels against the marble. How is a person meant to focus on responding to their boss’s inquiry when a million little things are buzzing around their brain?

Many neurodivergent people tend to be susceptible to sensory overload due to a hypersensitivity to sensory information. Many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, and dyspraxia experience the effects of sensory overload as a product of their neurodivergence in their daily lives (Shaikh, 2021). Different people may have different types of sensory triggers and their own unique reactions to these triggers, which, in turn, affect their mental state throughout the work day. 

Some common external responses to sensory overload from ND individuals that you can notice include: covering of ears, anxiously bouncing knees, instinctively running out of a loud setting to a quieter environment, and an inability to breathe (Shaikh, 2021). The amplification of minute behaviours in the ecosystem of the workplace causes ND employees to focus on the sensory details, rather than their work, thus decreasing efficiency.
A friend of mine with ADHD shared an anecdote of some of the most stressful weeks of her life while working at a small financial management company. She would spend hours typing countless versions of the same email or re-reading the same document without actually processing the information because her coworker was chewing too loudly, or the broken heater was too noisy. When tasks weren’t checked off on her to-do list, my friend went home feeling lazy and unproductive and returned to work the next day discouraged and irritated with herself and her workplace.

Similar to my friend, many ND people get severe headaches, lose motivation in their work due to the frustration caused by an inability to concentrate, and find it challenging to communicate and build connections with coworkers. When a person is not in a positive state of mind and they feel uncomfortable in their environment, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to show genuine interest in other people, nourish work relationships, and collaborate in a professional setting. These unfortunate consequences of sensory overload only push harmful stereotypes that hiring ND people is a disadvantage to the workplace. In reality, though, workplaces are not an accommodating environment for anyone who is not neurotypical. Think of the talented, hardworking individuals you have, or will lose, because your workplace is an unbearably sensory environment unsustainable for ND people to thrive in.

However, it must be noted that even though sensory environments cannot always be controlled in the favour of those with sensory issues, and those with sensory issues cannot always control their responses to such environments, a gentle balance can be reached. 

Some ways to support ND people in the workplace include allowing them to utilize noise-cancelling headphones; assigning them a more secluded desk away from bathrooms, kitchens, common rooms, or printers; allowing them access to quiet work areas; and providing them with the freedom to change environments (e.g. go for a quick walk) when overstimulated. Employers can also be more strict with workplace policies regarding where conversations should be held, assign specific eating areas, enforce a regulated speaking volume, and minimize possible workplace distractions. When fellow employees are mindful of their ND peers’ boundaries and limitations, ND individuals feel accepted and respected for who they are, rather than ostracized for their differences. A work environment that acknowledges and actively supports all of its employees is bound to flourish in performance, innovation, and efficiency. 

Brennan, D. (2021, May 18). Sensory overload: How this condition can trigger anxiety and more. WebMD.

Shaikh, J. (2021, October 20). What does sensory overload feel like? autism, ADHD, PTSD. MedicineNet.

This article was written by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai and edited by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Bystander intervention training in the workplace

It should be clear that someone in a leadership position in the workplace has the responsibility of ensuring a harassment-free environment. Allowing sexual harassment to flaunt its presense in a business setting through forms of inappropriate remarks and touching will lead to a drop in employee morale and lower productivity. 

But what happens if Bill, a respected CEO, wrongfully chooses to harass Anastasia, a regular employee verbally or even physically? Anastasia feels extremely uncomfortable, but who does she report this to? Since Bill is the head of the company, she may face consequences such as a termination of her contract because frankly, anybody she tells is situated below Bill on the company totem pole and may face the same consequences if they choose to pursue the case. This is where the issue of equity and privilege diversification comes into play, but it is also where the solution of Bystander Intervention Training redeems its moral. Statistics are quite unsettling when it comes to this topic, and according to Statistics Canada 2020, one in four woman, and one in six men reported an act of sexual misconduct in the workplace (Statistics Canada 2020).

Having to endure forms of harassment simply because of your race, religion, gender, disability etc. is dehumanizing and can impact the lives of victims in many ways outside of work. Bystanders are everywhere, and are often our coworkers. Most people who witness an act of harassment surely want to help, but fear the consequences from those higher up. Bystander Intervention Training prepares employees to muster up the courage to report the case, become more educated on the different forms of harassment,  and even provides people with the ability to form a team of employees/bystanders to pursue the case within board examination, something that would normally be impossible to fight alone.

The first thing that Bystander Intervention Training serves to convey is the ideology that both women and men experience sexual harassment in employment daily. However, a majority of fields are dominated by men, so women tend to be more vulnerable to these acts. The idea that men can and do face sexual harassment is not something that should be swept under the rug in any respect, but if we look at in-demand fields such as engineering, construction, policing etc., men are overwhelmingly the dominant presence. 

Now, why are women more susceptible to these acts, you may ask? Women tend to have lower paying salaries, and lower authority which often comes with being seen as having a lower status among coworkers. While times are changing, if we compare the number of men vs women in director or CEO positions, men will unfortunately still reign dominant, and long story short, women usually have to work under men with more elite positions . A common myth often associated with women in positions of higher authority is that a woman must have slept her way to the top. A stereotype like this portrays that woman in a sexual manner, one in which her coworkers may start to frown upon her despite this being a rumor. 

Bystander Intervention training emphasizes the importance of utilizing the Human Rights Code in the Workplace, which states that “every person has the right to be free from unwelcome advances or solicitation in employment” (Human Rights Code). Employees who have witnessed someone in their workplace being taken advantage of, either physically or verbally, have the legal right to report the incident to their company’s Board of Directors without facing any punishment from anyone “higher up” than the individual who reported the case or the individual who was assaulted. If punishment is carried out, that individual would be breaching the guidelines of the Human Rights Code and may face greater consequences. It is very important for employees to know their rights, and to know how they are protected in the process. Bystander Intervention Training therefore encourages employees to raise their voices without fear. In this way, the training debunks the “bystander effect” which serves to discourage employees from intervening with the problem, and  is often the form of authority the assaulter chooses to pursue. 

Bystander Intervention Training’s main focus is on the 5 D’s, and how all five of these terms can be implemented in a situation of distress. 

The first D, “Direct”, encourages a coworker to directly voice their dissatisfaction with a suspected assaulter. This may look like Veronica approaching Bill and saying something along the lines of “Hey, I overheard your conversation with another employee about Anastasia’s new leadership position and how she must have done something sexual to get that spot. That is not something any of us tolerate in this type of environment.” 

The next D, “Delegate”, preaches the importance of assistance. Veronica may not feel comfortable approaching Bill alone, so she calls over Max and informs him of what she witnessed or overheard. Together, Veronica and Max approach Bill and confront him. 

The third D, “Delay”, means that you as a bystander should always comfort a victim immediately after the incident to show you are a coworker who cares about their well-being. If Anastasia was sexually assulted and Veronica witnessed it, Veronica should immedialty intervene and make sure that the surroundings are safe for Anatasia after the incident, ensuring nothing else happens. Be there for her, and report the incident immediately. 

“Distract” is the next D, and this refers to not approaching the situation “willingly”. I put willingly in quotations here because if Veronica suspects that Anastasia might be at risk, Veronica should distract Bill by asking for help with a project, or introducing him to a potential new client. While Bill turns his attention away from Anastasia, Veronica and Anastasia can report the incident. If Bill suspects Veronica may know about what he has done, the situation could escalate and become dangerous for Veronica as well . 

The final D is “document”. It is just as straightforward as it sounds. If Max already became involved in an attempt to de-escalate the problem but things still become increasingly intense, Veronica should pull out her phone and record the situation so proper evidence may be used. 

Bystander Intervention Training is something that I find extremely helpful, not just in workplaces but also in schools and home environments. Workplaces that have not yet implemented this training should do so immediately. I will see everyone in the next post! 


5DS: Direct, delegate, Delay, distract and document. Wilfrid Laurier University. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2022, from 

Bystander intervention in the workplace. Rubin Thomlinson. (2021, May 26). Retrieved July  23, 2022, from 

Government of Canada, S. C. (2021, August 12). In 2020, one in four women and one in six men reported having experienced inappropriate sexualized behaviors at work in the previous year

. The Daily – . Retrieved July 23, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Bayden Summers and edited by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Intersectionality: Women of Colour in the Workplace

You run the big pitch over in your head for the 100th time, slowly evening your breath and attempting to channel your inner Michelle Obama. Nobody questions her place when she enters a room, and nobody will question yours either…if only you prove yourself tonight, you think to yourself. A voice intensifies, Why do you always have to prove yourself worthy when you’ve already earned your seat in the room? You quickly dismiss it. Swinging open the conference room door with clammy hands, you hear Brad make a comment about the ‘jarring contrast’ between the bright orange of your lips with the dark, rich tone of your skin. You sense his eyes tracking your hips as you walk to the front. Gone is the image of Michelle Obama as you now welcome sweat in all the wrong places and your heart quickens its beat. 

Gender diversity in the workplace has been a spirited topic in several online spaces and work environments, yet, intersectionality is rarely mentioned. Intersectionality refers to the intersection of an individual’s multiple social identities– like race and gender– their impact on that individual’s societal experiences and relationships, and the inequalities they present for that individual’s location on the social ladder (Examining the intersections of anti-Asian racism and gender-based violence in Canada)

Women of colour (WOC) face prejudice directed at both, race and gender, making their experiences fundamentally different from white women and men of colour, despite their overlapping social identities. In a workplace setting, most WOC describe that discriminatory acts stem from an implicit bias, branching into microaggressions, which, over time, become blatantly racist and sexist behaviours. At its core, it’s very simple – an intolerance of those unlike you.

Implicit bias, a perception of someone informed by stereotypes, prejudice, and assumptions, rather than factual information, is the root of most microaggressions (Implicit bias explained 2017). When you unconsciously assign stereotypes to an individual in your mind, you’re affected by your implicit bias, which can be unlearned. Acting on these thoughts, however unintentionally, leads to a microaggression, which cannot be undone. 

How are microaggressions different from racism? Unfortunately, these subtle behaviours are usually prompted without a second thought, whereas, racist acts are intentional. In workplace settings, instances like East Asian women getting commended for their fluency in English, Black women being bombarded by unwelcome inquiries about their hair, or South Asian women receiving insensitive questions about ‘exotic cultural practices’, are a form of microaggression. Colleagues may come to WOC without any ill intention, but these behaviours only further ostracize WOC, promote stereotypes, and pair them with their racial and gender identity, rather than their work ethic.

When people feel unwelcome and unsafe to be themselves in an environment, it damages their work performance, creativity, relationships, participation, and mental health. This, tied in with the racism and sexism against WOC by male authorities, forces WOC to remain stuck in a preliminary, lower-paying level, instead of reaching their full potential in leadership roles. They are also paid less than white men and women. Where women earn 19% less than your average Joe, and Black women will earn 39% less (Barratt, 2021). It seems that WOC are being forced to step away from success because of intentional, unjust structural biases and power play.

The string that ties together these injustices is that of the power dynamics in workplaces. White women have never been in these situations, but they too are active players of the other, more powerful side, known as the oppressor. Despite being women, the colour of their skin automatically gives them a step up in the social hierarchy. When statistics about women in work settings are quoted, it’s white women that are being referred to. When gender diversity is advertised by companies, it’s white women that are being hired and promoted. When a strong woman in power is envisioned, it’s a white woman in a classy outfit with heels and a bold lip that you expect.

If you have never thought about these things, you probably weren’t negatively affected. The one being oppressed is compelled to study and analyze the oppressor in order to protect themselves and push through the hurdles. The oppressor doesn’t give it a second thought unless they’re the ones under the sword. Company CEOs, people in authority, and colleagues, are strongly encouraged to be aware of their privilege and be the support WOC long for in the workplace.


Barratt, B. (2021, December 10). The microaggressions towards black women you might be complicit in at work. Forbes.

Examining the intersections of Anti-Asian racism and gender-based violence in Canada. VAW Learning Network. (n.d.).

Implicit bias explained. Perception Institute. (2017, May 17).,them%20without%20our%20conscious%20knowledge

This article was written by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai and edited by summer student Bayden Summers. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Cross cultural training and basics in the workplace

In today’s society, acts of racial injustice in businesses and mainstream media have been surfacing at uncharitable levels due to the accessibility offered by social media. I log onto my Instagram or Facebook page and instantly am dumbfounded by the long threads of racial injustice, systemic racism, police brutality, and white privilege. While historically, this subject matter is not all so new, we now have the platform and resources to examine systematic racism towards people of colour, and work towards debunking the myth that people of white descent are the frontrunners of society. As a result, racial diversity in the workplace is being widely addressed in the sense that some companies have responded with acts of solidarity and a “changed perspective”. Although more companies are taking action to make our workplaces more diverse and inclusive, let’s face it, there is much work to be done. In today’s post, I am talking about the powers of Cross Cultural Training in the workplace, and how to conquer common biases. After all, in Canada the labor force is nearly 100% dominated by immigrants, which make up 80% of our entire population growth (Government of Canada 1).

Cross cultural training (CCT) may be a phrase you have never heard of in your life so let me polish the pearl here. This type of training directs our employees to overcoming cultural challenges at work, or in life, when being in the midst of coworkers whose culture, values and beliefs differ widely. In essence, CCT allows employees to break down barriers.

Most of us follow paths led by certain morals, beliefs, or a religion, which, if followed blindly, can establish barriers fueled by stereotypes for those different from us. Contriving preconceptions about others ceases our ability to grow as people, and stunt our understanding and willingness to learn about others. Through this form of training, other cultures are placed under a spotlight where all employees have the chance to learn about these unique cultures, and recognize the differences between how they present themselves and their motivations, vs how you would.

Secondly, building trust and a moral connection with a coworker is extremely important. I mentioned in a previous post about mental health in the workplace that once you start to open up, and establish a common ground with your desk partner, you may be able to produce better work, learn to communicate more effectively and a wide variety of other things. CCT results in greater trust. If I am someone who has recently immigrated or just has different beliefs than a coworker, I would feel comfortable knowing that my cultural viewpoints are respected, and I would feel comfortable pursuing my beliefs in a work environment. Once trust is established, altruistic tendencies tend to morph into greater cooperation and a more productive workplace.

CCT teaches employees the importance of hierarchy perception. I like to think of this as a way to simplify information, and make decisions. Creativity, and approaching a situation from different perspectives is something that every workplace needs within their decision making process, but a hierarchical system does not have room for visionaries and opinions. Those in greater power are often perceived as less open and more controlling of an employee’s approach towards workplace orders. Often, those coming from different walks of life have different ways to approach situations as a result of their past experiences. It is through CCT, that we teach how cultures perceive hierarchies, and lines not to cross within management. Hierarchy perception determines if a person in power has the right to actually be in that role which helps to promote diversity and inclusion, so that these decisions aren’t dictated by biases that have nothing to do with work, but rather the person.

So, you now have some knowledge on why cross-cultural training is valuable and how it can enhance productivity in a workplace, but the bigger question is, how can this training be presented to employees? Well, effective presentation is the most important thing here. When preparing a cross-cultural training program, employers should heavily take into consideration who they are actually presenting too. A workplace/audience may have multiple employees that don’t understand English as well as others, so, it would be appropriate to deliver the program in the language that each employee understands (a translator may be necessary in this instance). Prepare handouts or a slideshow with information and knowledge about one’s culture.

The ability to learn different aspects of a new culture is not something one can learn quickly, but it is also important to keep in mind that the employee that has recently immigrated or has different beliefs than you is doing the same thing. Encourage your employees to ask questions (in a respective manner). CCT should be able to combine native culture with foreign culture and have them intertwine in a beautiful manner.


Immigration, R. and C. C. (2022, June 6). Infographic: Immigration and Canada’s economic recovery. Retrieved July 23, 2022, from

Palladino, P., Author Peter Palladino , (2021, March 3). How to create an effective cross-cultural training program. Sales & Marketing Management. Retrieved July 23, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Bayden Summers and edited by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Addressing Accessibility Barriers With Remote Work Part II

This blog post is the second of two articles on disability and remote work. The first entry focused on some of the accessibility barriers that disabled employees face in the workplace, and how the normalisation of remote work has helped to overcome many of those barriers. This post considers what it means for disabled employees to return to in-person work now that many companies are adopting a hybrid model or mandating a return to the physical workplace. 

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, disabled employees have found that remote work gives them the opportunity to work in an environment that accommodates their needs more easily than working at the office. As I discussed in the first segment of this blog, disabled Canadians who qualify for employment remain vastly underrepresented in the workforce, and the inaccessibility of many work environments is a contributing factor. The widespread adaptation of remote work during COVID might just have provided a needed solution to overcoming some of these accessibility barriers. But now that many employers are implementing a return to the physical workplace, it’s worth questioning what this means for disabled employees.

It’s true that many people are experiencing feelings of isolation and are impatient for the chance to get out of the house, which can help to maintain a work-life balance. But a mandated return to the office may present a serious setback for disabled employees who have benefitted from the convenience of working from home. Remote work has contributed to both their physical and mental wellbeing, and after two years of operating out of what may be for them an optimal work environment, some disabled employees might be reluctant or unable to make the adjustment to working in-person, especially if they started a new position remotely and may not know what to expect at the office in terms of accessibility.

Employers may believe that in-person work is the best option for everyone, but the notion that jobs can only be performed in a physical workplace fails to take into account the experiences and concerns of disabled people. Granted, some industries are dependent upon in-person labour, but the past two years have proved that many jobs can in fact be performed remotely. Why should disabled members of the workforce be forced to return to the office when they can work equally, if not more efficiently, in an environment in which their needs are met?

We can see a similar phenomenon taking place in the post-secondary education system, as many institutions have shifted toward a return to the classroom over the past year. A workplace and an academic setting may be different environments in nature, but there is considerable overlap between a student’s ability to focus in class and succeed in their studies and an employee’s ability to perform their tasks and do their job well.

As a case in point, Anushay Sheikh filed a human rights claim against U of T Law before the Ontario Human Rights Commission. After accepting an offer of admission to the law school in 2021 and deferring acceptance for the fall 2022 semester, Sheikh soon ran into barriers when requesting accommodation from the university. As a student with disabilities, they requested access to Zoom links for lectures so that they could sometimes attend classes remotely on an as-needed basis. According to news reports on the case, U of T Law Faculty repeatedly refused on the basis that university programs are delivered in-person, and that the shift to online learning was only intended as a temporary COVID measure. The university technically has a system in place to provide lecture recordings for those who miss class for both COVID and non-COVID related reasons, but disabled students at U of T are still reporting that accommodation requests to learn remotely are being denied (Yousif & Frances, 2022). According to Sheikh, several of their professors were supportive, but the administration was ableist (Damte, 2022). After months of back-and-forth with the administration, Sheikh filed a human rights claim in January 2022.
“As someone that suffers from chronic pain flare ups, PTSD, and anxiety, the option of remote learning gives me the flexibility I need to navigate my symptoms,” Sheikh asserted in an email response to Journey to Diversity Workplaces. “[… B]eing able to make decisions about my health as an adult without asking permission from older white administrators will not only help my ability to access course material, but would also save a significant amount of distress that comes with asking people in positions of power for basic dignity.”

It’s easy to see how similar principles can be applied to members of the workforce and their requests to work from home. The COVID-19 pandemic has proved that many jobs can in fact be performed remotely, so there’s no substantial reason for employers to deny their workers the right to such accommodations, certainly not if a company is meant to uphold inclusive practices.
It’s also worth bearing in mind that a non-inclusive work culture or inaccessible workspace is likely to steer a disabled employee toward other companies and industries where they can be accommodated more easily, even if they might otherwise be the perfect candidate for a particular job. Such a culture will, in turn, inhibit a company’s ability to be more inclusive in the long run because of the lack of disabled voices on its team.

When asked by Journey to Diversity Workplaces about how disabled students can benefit from remote learning in the long run, Sheikh asserted: “[…] We live in a society that has perpetuated toxic work and study expectations, including not listening to your body and mind, not taking breaks, forcing yourself to conform to a specific learning style that may not work for you, etc. By adopting a universal design, one in which many different needs are met without requiring students to other themselves to get accommodations, universities can and will attract people who think in different ways. A diversity of thought is crucial to having a well rounded institution, and by extension, a well rounded and representative legal profession. It’ll also allow students, as adult human beings, to make decisions about their health and well-being. If that means learning from home to get the most out of a lecture, so be it.”

At the end of the day, a company’s internal inclusivity/anti-discrimination policies are meaningless if the environment is not accessible (Claus, 2021). Many workers are eager for a chance to return to the office, but leaving the option open for remote work for those who can benefit from it is one significant way in which employers can make their work culture more accessible. Disabled employees have been pushing for the opportunity to work remotely for a long time. Accommodating those requests is one way in which employers can show they are listening to the disabled voices on their team, and move towards a work culture that is more diverse and welcoming of everyone.


Berting, P. (2022, February 14). Law student files human rights claim against U of T over zoom link accessibility. The Varsity. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from

Claus, C. (2021, October 4). How to Improve the Hiring Process & Create a More Inclusive Workplace, According to an Accessibility Support Engineer. InclusionHub. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from

Damte, M. (2022, February 28). Inclusive Excellence? Recent Human Rights Tribunal Application Says Otherwise. Ultra Vires. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from

Peng, J., & Kiessel, L. (2020, October 27). For those with disabilities, shift to remote work has opened doors (video). The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Yousif, N., & Francis, A. (2022, June 5). U of T Law is denying access to virtual classes, disabled students say – despite COVID-era shift to online learning. Toronto Star. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera and edited by summer student Bayden Summers. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Addressing Accessibility Barriers With Remote Work Part I

This blog post will be one of two articles on disability and remote work. This entry focuses on some of the accessibility barriers disabled employees face in the workplace, and how the normalisation of remote work has helped to overcome many of those barriers. The second blog post will consider what it means for disabled employees to return to in-person work now that many workplaces are adopting a hybrid model or mandating a return to the physical workplace.

More than two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift to remote work has become a “new normal,” with many Canadians having adjusted to a work-from-home setting. But for many disabled employees, the opportunities that have arisen as a result of this shift are considerable.
The fact is, disabled employees have long been advocating for the right to work (Peng & Kiessel, 2020), but for the most part they’ve been turned down. This is partly because many employers believe that allowing for remote work will give disabled employees an unfair advantage over their able-bodied coworkers.

Despite the rising inclusivity in many work settings, some disabled employees may feel hesitant to ask for further considerations out of fear that they are asking too much, and should simply be grateful for those accommodations they have received. Well-meaning supervisors might still have overlooked efforts to make the workplace more accessible, simply by failing to consider the extent of accommodations that disabled employees really need. And that’s without considering the fact that most office buildings, especially old buildings, are designed without disabilities in mind. Employers might install access ramps, but that doesn’t change the unfortunate reality-that a building’s doorways might not be wide enough to allow passage for wheelchairs. Even the commute to get to work usually comes with barriers, such as a lack of elevators at some subway stations.

In Canada, the rights of disabled employees are protected under the Employment Equity Act (, but unfortunately, stigma toward disabled people remains, creating considerable barriers to equal employment opportunities. The belief that disabled people are less qualified or incapable of performing their duties as effectively as their able-bodied counterparts is a common one. And when it comes to the physical workplace itself, accommodations for disabled employees, like the provision of special chairs or modified work hours, are seen as too expensive or too complicated to manage.

Legislation doesn’t change the fact that disabled Canadians are disproportionately unemployed compared to able-bodied Canadians. The numbers speak for themselves: a 2017 survey by Statistics Canada found that there are approximately 645,000 disabled Canadians over the age of 15 who have the potential to work and yet are not currently employed. In the 25-64 age group, 80% able-bodied people are employed, whereas only 59% of disabled people in the same age range are employed (Morris et al., 2018).

Now that the world has largely shifted to working from home, many of those barriers have been reduced or have vanished completely for disabled employees, opening up opportunities that didn’t exist before the pandemic. Many disabled employees expressed that they could focus more easily and be more productive at work when given the opportunity to customise their workspaces to accommodate their needs freely (Peng & Kiessel, 2020). People with chronic pain, for example, can work in a setting that suits them best without having to sit for long periods of time in uncomfortable office chairs. Some able-bodied people believe that an employee needs to sit at a desk in order to be productive and to fit a certain image of professionalism, but that isn’t always the most comfortable setup for those with chronic pain.

When it comes down to it, there is a great deal of freedom to be found for disabled people in not having to request an employer who holds a position of power over them for special accommodations. Plus, it’s worth noting that many disabilities are invisible, and employees are not required to disclose their disabilities to an employer (although they still need to self-identify as disabled in order to count as a member of those groups protected by the Employment Equity Act). Remote work opens up further opportunities in this regard.

The removal of transportation and physical accessibility barriers is one obvious benefit to be reaped from remote work. In particular, those with pain and mobility-related disabilities are likely to benefit from not having to commute to an in-person workplace. But beyond that, thanks to remote work, people with all sorts of disabilities are able to work in an environment that best suits their needs.

The virtual nature of remote work allows employees to use assistive technology more easily than they might have done in the office. For example, Zoom’s closed captions function is enormously beneficial during meetings to employees who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Text-to-speech software serves to benefit employees with visual disabilities, speech disabilities, and learning disabilities like dyslexia The ability to work in a customised environment at home also benefits neurodivergent employees by removing the risk of sensory overload at the office. Some workplaces ban sensory tools like fidget spinners because of a lack of understanding of how neurodivergent people function best, but working at home allows people with ADHD to use them freely to improve focus and reduce stress.

Remote work is not a universal, permanent solution to the discrimination disabled people face when it comes to employment, nor should it exempt employers from continuing to implement inclusive practices and from making their workplaces accessible. We certainly shouldn’t use the possibilities presented by remote work as an excuse not to hold employers accountable for discriminatory behaviour. Education around disability that emphasises listening to disabled voices should become normalised regardless of whether people are working from home or from the office. But leaving the option open for remote work is one major way in which employers can ensure the equality of disabled people working in Canada and contribute to a more diverse workforce.


Farrer, L. (2022, March 30). Accommodating Disabilities In Remote And Hybrid Work. Forbes. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from–hybrid-work/?sh=3ecfde0f2c17

Government of Canada. (n.d.). Employment Equity Act. Justice Laws Website. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Howard, J. (2022, March 22). The benefits of remote work for people with disabilities. InclusionHub . Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Morris, S., Fawcett, G., Brisebois, L., & Hughes, J. (2018, November 28). A demographic, employment and income profile of Canadians with disabilities aged 15 years and over, 2017. Statistics Canada. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Peng, J., & Kiessel, L. (2020, October 27). For those with disabilities, shift to remote work has opened doors (video). The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera and edited by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

5 Ways to Promote Inclusivity of Indigenous People in the Workplace

Now you’ve read about the barriers that Indigenous people face simply to find employment. So, what’s next? Getting a foot in the door is undoubtedly difficult, but for many Indigenous workers, staying at a workplace for a prolonged period of time is also often a challenge. A lot of it can be addressed by the following: the lack of a sense of community in the workplace, diversity without true equity and inclusion, a lack of structural policies to accommodate diverse employees, and an absence of acknowledgement or action to help uplift Indigenous communities.

Corporations and employers must ask themselves: how can companies and fellow co-workers help create an environment that is sustainable and accommodating for Indigenous employees? Here are five ways that companies can create an inclusive workplace environment.

  1. Get educated on different Indigenous cultures, traditions, important dates, customs, and communities. The First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities of Canada all have their own unique identities, cultures, and customs, so it’s vital to be aware of them. Having this knowledge would allow employees to feel comfortable enough to come to you, the employer, with culturally sensitive topics that may affect their work. This understanding promotes a healthier employee-to-employer relationship because the employee knows that they are respected enough to not be pressured to suppress an important part of their identity in order to stay employed.
  2. Research ways other companies have uplifted and accommodated Indigenous people in the workplace. Run through your network, call your connections, and inquire about their policies, calls to action, and work environment. You, as the employer, are not required to have all the answers, but others who have been in your position may have some! It is also recommended that you reach out to Indigenous people in higher positions and gain their insight.
  3. Speak to your Indigenous employees! There is no better way to learn how to make an environment more inclusive for an individual than to gain their personal input. However, asking them in a one-to-one confrontation can be an uncomfortable situation for an employee to tell their boss of their complaints. Instead, having an anonymous forum or a monthly survey about EDI and the work environment where concerns can be voiced would be a better solution. A one-to-one meeting can still be on the table if that is desired by the employee.
  4. Establish policies that protect Indigenous people’s rights in the workplace, along with programs that give Indigenous employees access to certain resources and skill-development programs to be on an equal playing field with their colleagues (Guide to developing Indigenous Inclusion Policies, 2018). Policies enforce accountability. Having such policies and programs catering to Indigenous safety, work flexibility, childcare, workplace diversity, and EDI, is necessary.
  5. Donate to Indigenous charities and support Indigenous businesses. Getting educated, spreading awareness, or doing land acknowledgements are good places to start, but taking action is what truly makes a difference. The best way to practice what you preach is by donating to various Indigenous charities which help make education, housing, clean water, mental health resources, healthcare, and employment-seeking opportunities more accessible. Below, I will list a few Indigenous charities that you can donate to after reading this post.

If, as an employer, you have checked off every single mentioned recommendation, does this mean “I’ve completed my share of activism for the day?” No. That, in itself, is a privileged thought. Diversity and inclusion of Indigenous people in the workplace is an ongoing process in which you learn and grow with every step.

Indigenous Charities
Circles for Reconciliation
Sew on Fire Ministries
Canadian Roots Exchange


Guide to developing Indigenous Inclusion Policies. North Superior Workforce Planning Board. (2018, September).

This article was written by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai and edited by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

Mental Health in the Workplace Part II

Welcome to part two of “Mental Health & Its Impact in the Workplace.” In part one, I emphasized the theoretical illustration of mental health and its negative impacts in a business setting. In part two, I will be discussing physical practices that could be viewed as a way to ease the minds of employees in different work environments, varying from fast paced/high demand to euphonious/relaxed. After reading that, you’re probably thinking: “why should someone working in the medical field, endeavouring to save lives, be treated the same as a massage therapist in regards to mental health treatment?” My answer to you, as I stressed in part one, is that we are all extremely different as individuals, and one person may be struggling much more than the other. Therefore it is vital to recognize there is no one “right way” to create a mentally healthy workplace.

First and foremost, I believe that every workplace should have a meditation station, or a designated meditation break implemented into employees’ schedules. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine (Mayo Clinic 1) . When pursued, one can indulge in paying attention to breathing patterns and heart rate speeds, which helps to eliminate the overcrowding thoughts of how am I ever going to complete this project for my boss in time? and how will I get my kid to soccer practice when I am scheduled to work overtime? This process has been proven time and again to enhance physical and emotional well-being. Meditation brings people a sense of calmness and peace. But the beauty of it is that you can also use meditation to relax in the midst of a hectic environment and cope with stress of finances, family issues, and other anxieties by refocusing your attention on a soothing voice with easy instructions.
Meditation is something that I personally pursue on a daily basis. Being a university student who is expected to produce assignment after assignment, study for hours, and juggle infinite other responsibilities, it is extremely easy for me to get caught up in a stressful mindset. One of the biggest reasons I recommended meditation in the workplace is because that short, fifteen minute session can help set the tone for the rest of your day and influence how you choose to look at the challenges you may face. How might a workplace go about implementing such a break? An employer could designate a room for quiet meditation, providing headphones to enhance the experience. Each employee can be provided with a designated time throughout their shift to go to this room and be one with their thoughts and feelings. And hey, maybe provide a blanket or two to maximize comfort levels.

We work with the same people everyday, but how much do we really know about each other? Bill and Anastasia may work side by side daily but does Bill know that Anastasia has recently lost her mother and has been struggling with severe depression? Does Anastasia know that Bill has drowned himself in student debt that he struggles to pay off every day, often forgetting to eat in fear of spending too much? Hosting an event such as a biweekly staff breakfast/lunch/dinner where employees can get to know each other on a personal level is critical to the strengthening of peer assessment and the work individuals submit together. While not everyone is comfortable with sharing their struggles (and that is more than okay), simply being open to the fact that some people struggle with poor mental health goes a long way, and the support from the people we regularly interact with matters. If we talk more about mental health, and share what we have been struggling with, it could potentially lead to more people seeking treatment and working towards combating the negative stigma around mental health. If a workplace were to arrange a meal or an outing with all staff members, Anastasia and Bill may have the opportunity to be honest and communicate about more non-work related topics. It could be a moment for Anastasia to discover that Bill has also been struggling with depression, and while their situations may be different, they are able to assist each other in the near future. And what better way to open up than over a delicious crepe breakfast? We are never alone in our battles, and it can feel extremely comforting to be in the presence of someone who relates to you. Now, Anastasia and Bill might come in to work the next day and produce one of the best pieces of work yet because they are comfortable with each other, and because they understand each others’ limits.

Finally, I believe every workplace should have a gratitude board where employees can pin sticky-notes with motivating or inspiring messages to keep one another going. Leaving a message can be an extremely easy task to perform in the midst of a hectic workday. Words go such a long way, and if you’re having a bad day, or a client was disrespectful to you, a simple message saying “keep going” or “wow, you’re doing great” can help to release the weight of negative emotions on your stressful afternoon. I’m going to utilize my science background here for a minute. The hippocampus and the amygdala (two important regions of the brain) are responsible for regulating emotions and daily functioning, and they are heavily impacted by feelings of gratitude. Gratitude helps regulate levels of dopamine, which can significantly reduce anxiety and depression by signaling the prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain responsible for managing negative emotions like guilt and sadness. In my high school, our student council would put notes on students’ lockers before exams with positive quotes or messages written on them to let the students know that they had done their best this school year and that they should be proud of their accomplishments. This went a long way for a student like me, who was constantly caught up in my grades and how well I performed. If cheesy letters aren’t really your thing, this board can also feature the numbers or websites of various counseling hotlines or nearby therapy offices for employees to seek professional help.

Thank you for reading my mini-series where I continually emphasized the importance of pushing for the right to have a healthy mindset throughout your workday. Remember that no matter how lonely you feel, someone loves and cares for you, and on your darkest days you are not alone.


Distress and Crisis Ontario. (2021, January 22). Gratitude and Mental Health. Distress and Crisis Ontario. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, April 29). A beginner’s guide to meditation. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Bayden Summers and edited by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.

The Surprising Truth About Pride at Work Canada

Pride at Work Canada (PaWC)/Fierté au Travail Canada (FaTC) is a nonprofit that is dedicated to supporting employers in making the workplace more welcoming to employees regardless of their gender expression, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Their vision: “A nation where every individual can achieve their full potential at work regardless of gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation” (Pride at Work Canada, n.d.). Originally founded in 2008 in Toronto and Montréal, PaWC now works with employers across the country from St. John’s to Vancouver. On July 11, 2022, I had the pleasure of speaking with Communications Coordinator Luis Augusto Nobre, who offered an insight into the organization’s work, and shared his advice for how employers can help to make their workplaces more inclusive. 

This interview has been condensed and edited from its original format.

Cossette (J2DW): Would you like to begin by introducing yourself? 

Luis: My name is Luis Augusto Nobre. I’m currently the Communications Coordinator here at PaWC/FaTC. My pronouns are he/him and I go with il/lui in French. I am in Tsi Tkarón:to/Toronto, which is situated within the “Dish with One Spoon” Wampum Treaty territory and covered by Treaty 13. I’ve been with the organization for almost three years, so in the team that I’m in now, I’m one of the seniors. So we could witness the growth over the past two years. When I joined PaWC… our team had five staff members in 2019, and today we have 15. So it’s a nice movement, because we see that more people are taking diversity and inclusion more seriously, and consider us to be one of the main sources to support their journey to help them. 

J2DW: Could you give me a sense of how PaWC was born in 2008? 

L: I consider it to have to do with the way the work was organized at the time, with people still experiencing every issue. Some of the laws that we have today to protect trans and queer communities in Canada were not in place at that time. So, a group of queer professionals just decided to create PaWC, on a more volunteer-based aspect…. So we have 12 founders, and they come from more personal initiatives with employers’ support, because at PaWC we serve our communities nationally, but at the same time we work with employers. That’s one way we can ensure that we’re not just addressing people’s needs, but the whole community’s needs… So this is how we as a community—we as communities and a large group of people from different provinces with different backgrounds—can build something to support our future generations.   

J2DW: What have been some of your major achievements as an organization?   

L: One of the major achievements that I’ve witnessed…is how people are taking topics related to diversity and inclusion more seriously… They want to build a place where we can be our authentic selves. 

Since 2008, we have seen the growth of partners that we call our “proud partners.” We started working with 12 employers in 2008. By 2014, we had 35. And just recently, we achieved the milestone of 250 proud partners. We have also developed a community partnership program, with more than 60 community partners—those are organizations and employers that tend to be non-profits in different provinces.… We have also developed documents that help people improve their own journey and to change their workplace by using those documents, which have guidelines on how to improve on diversity and inclusivity there. 

We’ve also developed our e-learning, that is another milestone. It’s easier for people because we can connect with employers…. at the individual level. And at the same time we can work with other organizations on a corporate level to spread the message as we try to have everyone on the same page to relate to some new knowledge. We are not here to develop experts on all sides —we have the expertise. But if you’re an employer and you know at least the minimum, if you’re aware of that, you could be an actor for change and have a more inclusive workplace. And when I say that, I’m not just considering 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion, but that you will start considering other intersectionalities. Because everyone does not just have one aspect to their identity. We have multiple aspects. So with that understanding, you would start seeing a difference… 

We also try to develop a new employee resource group, where people with similar goals and identities come together and they try to work internally to improve something. It could relate to queer and trans communities, it could relate to Indigenous people, it could relate to Black communities in Canada and even those overseas. So I think those achievements come with this building of the expertise that we have now to support our proud partners with research, with facts, with data, that will just show that we know what we are doing. 

J2DW: And what have been some of the major setbacks or barriers you’ve found that your organization has met in terms of meeting your goal? 

L: I think that some employers have an understanding of diversity and inclusion for some people, they might consider… diversity and inclusion to be just a checklist. And it’s not, but that is one of the challenges we face. It comes up every year, when we don’t or cannot work with some of our partners to go beyond those aspects. Sometimes they come to us with questions that seem to be a checklist — “oh, because I have this, this, and that, I’m done, diversity and inclusion is happening here” — when really it’s an ongoing process. And I don’t see an end to that. Today, you have realities that are different from 20 years ago, and they will be different again in 20 years. The new generation, the future generation, will come with other aspects. And we need to consider the intersectionalities of those barriers. The economic crisis and pandemic aspects. Everything is overlapping. You need to be creating, you need to adjust to that. 

We are constantly working and developing content to help our proud partners… To show that it’s not just a checklist. It’s not just using pronouns, for example… Pronouns are just one of the initiatives, but it really goes beyond the pronouns. It’s about why you are using them, and not just how. It’s not just how, it’s why.  

J2DW: What are some particular examples of those narrower questions that people tend to ask, of course without giving away the identity of any companies? How can companies improve on those? 

L: Sure. I was talking about pronouns earlier, and sometimes you see others sharing the pronouns, but they don’t know why. They’re just mirroring the language in a more shallow way instead of going in deep…. In Canada we are a bilingual country, we can experience more advanced English for the Anglophones when it comes to gender neutral language, like using pronouns…. But in romance languages, the language is gendered, so it’s a challenge. We have to ask: how can we internally support the discussion of neutral language? … How could the immigrants that are here promote some discussions to create a space for their own identity in their own languages, and how can Canada use that language? That way we can reflect on the language that we use. 

J2DW: That’s a great point about using gender neutral language in French.  

 L: Yes, we are a bilingual organization so it’s important for us to have that discussion, and we do have the expertise. We understand that the way we engage with Francophones is different because of the French language, and language is also related to culture. 

As a second example, many people also connect with us to ask, “What is the right acronym to use for queer and trans communities?” That is more related to the kind of engagement that a person and the company has for the community, and for all aspects of identities. 

We have been using 2SLGBTQIA+ in a way that allows us to expand more. The 2S at the beginning of the acronym shows our commitment to do something both internally and externally to support two-spirit members of Indigenous communities of North America. But we are building an effort and a commitment to ensure that we are with them, regardless of the sexual identity they experience. When you have the 2S at the beginning, it shows another aspect of intersectionality that diversity and inclusion work is trying to achieve. The A is not for ally, but for asexual. Ace people do experience many challenges and we want to include that. So it becomes a common acronym, having the I and A at the end, for intersex and asexual people. 

So it’s one common aspect of people coming and asking us “what is the right acronym?” and we don’t have a right acronym for that. It’s about your commitment and what you’re doing. You even have people that don’t use the acronym! You have people that use SOGIE: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression. It’s just a different way of expressing how the acronym was built. 

J2DW: Branching off of that, how has PaWC worked to overcome those barriers? 

L: With the research and the data that we have—not just our own, but from other organizations. By exchanging information with other organizations. We consider some organizations in our network to be very important, we don’t want to take their space. So it’s just working in a more collaborative way, even if it’s not a more formal partnership. Just sharing resources, and building that network support to our communities. So that is one of the good ways to overcome barriers… We have many other organizations doing similar or different work, but everything relates to diversity and inclusion… to queer communities, trans communities, and we can bring those facts and that data, the numbers to show that we have to move. We have to do something else. Without community support we cannot overcome any barrier. 

 J2DW: How do you think queer inclusivity varies across different industries and across different levels of employees within those industries?  

L: We have multiple voices and multiple identities….  so we cannot ensure that the same place will be welcoming to one person as they would be welcoming to another one. And when you add personalities as well…  It’s hard because you have to consider all that for the good and the betterment [of your company]. It’s building empathy with multiple identities, and respect. Respect for who people are… and how they want to be their authentic self at work. They feel confident enough to be open about their own identity. Sometimes they won’t be out at work because of the kind of environment they are in, but at the same time they are open with their family. Or the opposite, where the workplace is so open that they can be themselves…while for the family it doesn’t matter the reason, it’s a challenge just to come out and say, “I’m queer” or “I’m bisexual” or “I’m a trans person.” So I think that the best way… is to just have empathy and respect for people in general.  

J2DW: Yeah, queer is an umbrella term, but there’s so many different identities under that umbrella and sometimes people see those identities in different ways.  

L: Yeah, and with the training and education you have everyone on the same page, at least for the basic stuff. You don’t need to be an expert in diversity and inclusion to work with diversity and inclusion. You don’t need to know and read everything. But if you know enough and you respect and meet our language, relate to some people’s identities and how they introduce themselves, then you are in a good way for your diversity and inclusion journey.  

J2DW: How does PaWC try to incorporate intersectionality into its work and the experiences of queer workers who fall within other marginalized groups? 

L: We just use 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion to start opening doors, but we always consider how intersectional human beings are, with multiple identities…. So when we organize an event, or when we are helping our proud partners and community partners to organize an event, we just tell them for example…. “You’re talking about Black History Month. Why not include some Black queer speakers on that?” …. And that way, you would be avoiding tokenism. So it’s about  considering that people have their multiple identities, they’re intersectional, but then you need to consider how you can have that intersectionality in your strategy when you are organizing an event, when you are doing something else. 

We have people that we share data with for cases in which folks experience prejudice for more than one side of their identity. Recently we had a panel related to religion and queer identities, and one of our speakers was sharing how he couldn’t embrace his faith as a gay Muslim. He was experiencing Islamophobia at the same time he was experiencing homophobia. 

We had another conversation with Indigenous folks that had similar experiences. Sometimes the way that things are built, they experience some prejudice because they are Indigenous and when they seek support and refuge within their own community they might also experience homophobia or transphobia. It’s why we need to consider multiple voices in our events… We have more people sharing their own history, who they are. It’s a kind of storytelling that gives people the opportunity to share. And they have the expertise—not just for their own identities but for their whole community. I cannot speak for and represent their community, but I have the knowledge that it is happening. And that’s one way to ensure that you have intersectional voices coming together.

J2DW: What has been the most gratifying or valuable moment for you personally since joining PaWC? 

L: Joining PaWC! … I worked for many years in corporate responsibility, social responsibility… with some community engagement. I’ve been in Canada for over six years, but I used to consider myself a newcomer. Let’s say I’m the first generation of my generation to live here. So I know how hard it is for immigrants to find a job, to come to the workplace with their identities, and I found that at PaWC, I feel embraced and it’s one of the greatest jobs I’ve had in my life. I’m happy here, having the opportunity to serve our communities. To be a factor in the change I expect to see. Not just for myself and for folks alive now, but for people who will be born in 50 years. It’s like my activist side is happy in a way that I just continue the legacy from all the names like Stormé DeLarverie, Marsha P. Johnson, and Sylvia Rivera, the three main names related to the Stonewall Riots. 

And we have so many other human rights and queer activists. Being here, I have the opportunity to do a great job, to work on things with which I’m in love—in my case communications and diversity and inclusion—and just helping to change the world…. It doesn’t matter if it’s fast or slow. We can see the change. We are moving, we can see the flow and that is really important. Even when we experience some barriers or setbacks as we have from some legislation happening in the U.S. and the UK and other countries right now… I really hope that the work we’re doing here—not just at PaWC but with employers, with the communities in this country, we can influence and inspire other organisations and other people to view those changes through their own lens and in their countries and their cultures.  

J2DW: Now the last question: is there anything I haven’t asked you that you’d like to discuss? 

L: I think the work we do here at PaWC is really important, not just for queer and trans communities but for people in general. We do support other identities, even if you’re not queer or trans. We cannot do the job that we do without people supporting us, people learning, people understanding that we have to do more. That what is happening now in the US with the change in the law is not just affecting women, but will be affecting many other groups, minority groups. We have to consider that some of those movements have a domino effect. And we need to build a sense of community so that we are not alone: we are here for you, and we expect that you will be there for us when we need it. So PaWC/FaTC is a really important player, not just within Canada, but within an international contribution to support queer inclusion and trans inclusion… So we will have more folks being who they are, and being proud of that. To be who they are in the workplace, they can be their authentic selves. And when you are your authentic self you do more, not just at work but for your community, your society, your family, for yourself. The important thing is to be who you are. 



About. Pride At Work Canada. (n.d). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

This article was written by summer student Cossette Penner-Olivera and edited by summer student Ilesha Prabhudesai. This article was funded by the Government of Canada.