
It’s Time to Say Goodbye

It's Time to Say Goodbye: My Departure as CEO
Diversity on Air

It’s Time.

As a Founder, you never really know when it’s time to move on. But every founder tries hard to avoid founder’s syndrome and sticking around too long. After 10 years, I realized this past spring that my time had come.

It’s time for me to move on.

We’ve already started a search for a new CEO and have several promising candidates.

I’m not leaving the organization entirely. I will remain on the board for a time to help guide the new President & CEO, but most of all, to assist with the myriad tasks I handled as CEO.

We may not be exactly where I’d like us to be, but we’ve grown and prospered. The amount of content on our website is a testament to that.

Over the decade that I’ve been running J2DW, we’ve had many volunteers and summer students who have contributed immensely.

Now, the time has come for me to pass the baton to someone else who can help clarify our goals, implement our strategic plan, and take the organization to new heights.

Meanwhile, I plan to return to my roots and volunteer once more in my community, likely in healthcare, but who knows? I will still actively volunteer with Living Green Barrie.

Beyond that, I plan to see where life takes me and what opportunities arise. But it’s time for me to move on so that J2DW can flourish.

My formal last day is 15 October 2024.

I remain,

Peter V. Tretter