
I want to tell you about my Mom

Diversity on Air

Hello –

How does one put into words over 30 years of memories, experiences, and emotions?

Many don’t know that I spent three years at Ryerson’s theatre school. It was a time of adventure and discovery. I still value those experiences to this day.

My Mom always encouraged me and sister to do whatever we wanted. Music lessons, dance classes, scouting or guiding, and participating in the Greely Players were all par for the course for us, and I am very thankful that my parents were able to do that for us.

Mom also was an accomplished painter. I have this amazing milk can by my front door decorated like an old-church stained-glass window.

Because of this, the arts are a subject that I hold quite dear.

Mom passed away from cancer in June 2014.

Like any good son, I had been wracking my brain for ways I could do something special to honour and celebrate my Mom. Unfortunately, I lack the $100,000+ to have something like a new wing at the hospital named after her.

The Doris Tretter Memorial Scholarship for Diversity in the First Arts was born as my way of honouring Mom.

Except I need your help.

Tomorrow we are doing a Thunderclap.

A thunderclap is when many social media users send the same message at the same time on the same day. Unfortunately, coordinating something like this without technology is almost impossible.

So we are using a website, appropriately named Thunderclap. You can sign up, for free, with your Facebook and/or Twitter and/or Tumblr accounts. It takes no more than a minute.

We need 100 signed up social media accounts. Right now we have 52.

Then on Wednesday at noon Thunderclap will release the same message on all the signed up accounts at the same time.

Hopefully, we become a trending topic.

The other way you can help is by directly contributing to our crowdfunding campaign. We have contribution levels for all incomes.

I appreciate you loaning me a few minutes of your time to tell you about my Mom.

All the best,

Peter V. Tretter
President & CEO
Journey to Diversity Workplaces
